Publish with Mica

What is Mica?

Mica is a powerful software application used to create data web portals for large-scale epidemiological studies or multiple-study consortia. Mica2 is the successor of Mica.

Mica helps studies to provide scientifically robust data visibility and web presence without significant information technology effort. Mica provides a structured description of consortia, studies, annotated and searchable data dictionaries, and data access request management.


Using Mica2, studies and consortia can administer and display information about themselves and about their constituants, this is:

Network Identification and Listing

Mica2 provides a standardized way to describe both networks and the studies that constitute them.

Study Catalogue

Mica2 study catalogue includes:

  • A list of important study description default characteristics that can be customized to reflect specific requirements,
  • Support for longitudinal study design with data collection events, sub-populations and recruitment timelines.


Studies makes available different datasets to the research community. Mica2 provides:

  • A standard menu for its data resources,
  • Advanced variable search functionality using facets,
  • A detailed description of a dataset including a comprehensive dictionary of all the variables provided by the dataset.

Importantly, Mica2 does not store any record-level data itself. Instead, Mica2 includes for studies using the OBiBa Opal software as main secured database solution, a distributed query engine that enables authorized researchers to obtain real-time aggregated reports on the exact number of participant with specific characteristics or phenotypes. The same engine is used to obtain summary statistics on each variable. Using this approach, no individual-level data passes through Mica2, yet researchers can assess the suitability of a dataset for their needs.

Data Access Management

Mica2 provides a way to edit forms that allows a study to handle access requests electronically. Using this feature, single studies or consortia can:

  • Present their Data Access Policy,
  • Manage Data Access Requests from submission to approval,
  • Extend default Data Access Request form to match their needs,
  • Present the Data Access Committee members.


With Mica2, you can:

  • Administer your Consortium web portal from the website itself,
  • Define permissions on any kind of content.



Mica2 Server is a Java-based application, so it should run on any platform for which a Java Virtual Machine is provided.

Mica2 Server is a stand-alone web server application, therefore does not require web server containers such as Tomcat or Jetty to be installed.


Detailed installation instructions can be found in Mica Installation Guide . We provide packages for Debian-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) and Fedora-based systems (Fedora, CentOS, etc.). We strongly suggest to use these packages as it greatly simplifies the installation and the upgrades.

For Debian-based systems, see instructions in our Debian package repository .

Mica2 [latest] (.deb)

For Fedora-based systems, see instructions in our RPM package repository .

Mica2 [latest] (.rpm)

All other platforms should follow the installation instructions provided in Mica Server Installation Guide .

Mica2 [latest] (.zip)


Once Mica2 is installed it probably needs to be configured for your environment. Please follow the instructions provided in the Mica Server Configuration Guide .

Try Mica

To have a closer look at Mica try our demo site .

To access to the administration pages, use one of the credentials:

  • Administrator: administrator/password
  • Content editor: editor/P@ssw0rd
  • Content reviewer: reviewer/P@ssw0rd

To access to the data access pages, use one of the credentials:

  • Data access officer: dao/P@ssw0rd
  • Regular user: user1/P@ssw0rd